Aug 11, 2024

Acts 15:1-35


Questions for Acts 15:1-35

Key verses 15:11


  1. What serious problem occurred in the church at Antioch (1-2a)? How did the church at Antioch attempt to solve this problem (2b-3)? How did some of the believers in Jerusalem react to the ministry of Paul and Barnabas (4-5)?
  2. Who took part in resolving the issue, and what did they do (6-7a)? What persuasive speech did Peter give (7b-11)? What was the conclusion of his speech?
  3. What did Barnabas and Paul testify (12)? How did James support Peter's argument (13-18)? What practical steps did James suggest to address the situation (19-21)?
  4. What decision did the Jerusalem church make (22)? What was the content of the letter that the Jerusalem church sent to the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia (23-29)? How did the believers in the Antioch church respond to the decision of the Jerusalem church (30-35)?
  5. Reflect on the historical significance of the Jerusalem Council. What lessons can we draw from this passage for our community and personal lives?

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