Mar 24, 2024

Galatians 6:1-18


Galatians Lesson 6 (2024)


(Galatians 6:1-18)

Open it:

  1. How does being a “new creation” resonate with you?


Explore it:

  1. Read verses 1-2. How does Paul advise Christians to respond when a fellow believer is overtaken by sin? Explore the idea of the law of Christ mentioned in verse 2. How does it guide the interactions and support among Christians? 

  2. Read verses 3-5. What is the remedy for self-deception? (3-4) What is the difference between carrying one’s own load and bearing the burdens of others? (5) How can this distinction be practically applied in the Christian community?


  1. Read verses 6-8. What responsibilities do believers have toward their instructors or teachers? (6) What is our responsibility toward our instructors? (6) Reflect on the warning against self-deception in verses 7-8. How can one avoid being deceived by outward appearance? (Mt 7:15-19)  


  1. Read verses 9-10. How does Paul encourage us to endure in service? What are Christians’ responsibilities toward both society and each other? (10)


  1. Read verses 11-13. Why did the false teachers try to compel the Galatian Christians to be circumcised? (12-13) In what way were they hypocritical? (13) What did they boast about?


  1. Read verses 14-18. What is Paul’s only boast? (14) In terms of salvation, how significant were outward religious symbols? (14-15) What is the only thing that mattered? (15) How did Paul show that he belonged to Christ? (16-18)     


Close it:


  1. Reflect on ways to cultivate good spiritual fruit in your life, considering the transformative principles highlighted in this passage.

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