Nov 27, 2022

Isaiah 7:1-14


2022 Christmas-1


(Isaiah 7:1-25)

Open it:

  1. What is one of the most frightening pieces of news you’ve ever received?

Explore it:

  1. Read vs. 1-2. What problem did King Ahaz of Judah face? What was the plan of these enemies? (5,6; also read 2 Kings 16:5-6) How was the morale of Judah affected when they heard about the alliance of Aram and Israel?

  2. Read vs. 3-9. What did the Lord tell Isaiah and his son to do? What was God’s message to Ahaz? (3-4) What was God’s promise? (7-9a) How could Ahaz stand firm? (9b)

  3. Read vs. 10-13. What did God offer to help Ahaz out of his unbelief? (10,11) Why did Ahaz refuse? (12) What effect did Ahaz’s unbelief have on his people? On God?

  4. Read vs. 14-15. What sign was promised by God even though Ahaz had not asked? What does the name “Immanuel” mean? (Jn. 1:14; Lk. 2:11-12) To Ahaz? To us?

  5. Read verses 16-25. What was Isaiah’s specific prediction regarding Ahaz’s enemies? (16) What country would be used by God to punish both Judah and its enemies? (17-20) In what concrete ways would Judah lose its status as a land of rich, productive agriculture? (21-25)

Apply it:

  1. What fear do you need to surrender to God, not to be controlled by it?

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