David Defeats the Ammonites

Aug 14, 2022

2 Samuel 10:1-19


2 Samuel Lesson 11 (2022)


2 Samuel 10:1-19

Key Verse: 10:17

Open it:

  1. What has sincere gesture on your part been grossly misinterpreted?

Explore it:

  1. Read verses 1-4. Why did David send a delegation to Hanun, king of the Ammonites? (1-2a) What suspicion was planted in Hanun’s mind by his nobles? (3) What did Hanun do to the men David had sent to him? (4)

  2. Read verses 5-6. How did David seek to comfort his humiliated representatives? (5) What did the Ammonites do when they realized they had made an enemy of David? (6)

  3. Read verses 7-12. What was David’s response to the mobilization of Ammonite and mercenary troops? (9-10) What arrangement did Joab make with Abishai concerning the battle? (11) Why was Joab not panicked by how the battle was shaping up?

  4. Read verses 13-19. What was the outcome of the battle on the two fronts? (13-14) What did the Arameans do after Joab initially turned them back? (15-16) How did David respond to the regrouping of the Arameans? (17) What was the extent of David’s victory over the Arameans?

Apply it:

  1. What is one thing you can do to increase your knowledge of God’s character? How can you become a better judge of character and intentions?

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