Stephen Saw the Glory of God

May 19, 2024

Acts 7:17-60


Questions for Acts 7:17-60

Key verse 7:55-56

Stephen Saw the Glory of God

  1. Can you describe the social circumstances surrounding Moses' birth and how God protected and nurtured his life (17-22)? What were the reasons Moses had to flee to Midian and live as a foreigner (23-29)? How did God appear to Moses after 40 years, and what mission did He give him (30-36)?

  2. Moses received the living words from God on Mount Sinai and delivered them to the Israelites (37-38). But what sins did the Israelites commit during this time (39-41)? How did God respond to their disobedience and idolatry (42-43)?

  3. What was the purpose of God directing Moses to build the tabernacle of the covenant law (44, Ex 25:8-9)? What were the motives behind the subsequent construction of the temple (45-47)? How does Stephen's message regarding the temple help us understand who God is (48-50)?

  4. How does Stephen address the sins of the Jews and religious leaders (51-53)? What was their reaction to his message (54)? In this dangerous situation, what did Stephen see (55-56)? How did the enraged Jews treat Stephen (57-58)? Reflect on Stephen's prayer before he was martyred (59-60).

  5. What lessons can we learn from this passage?

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