Mar 17, 2024

Galatians 5:1-26


Galatians Lesson 5 (2024)


(Galatians 5:1-26)

Open it:

  1. What qualities do you appreciate in yourself? What would it be if you had the chance to alter one aspect of your personality?


  1. Read verses 1-6. What does Paul emphasize about freedom in verses 1-4? What does he caution against turning to circumcision for justification? How does Paul describe the impact of seeking justification by the law? (56-) What does he say matters in the context of circumcision?

  2. Read verses 7-10. How does Paul describe the Galatians’ Christian experience? What is Paul optimistic regarding the Galatians, and what warning does he give regarding the influence of false teaching? (10)

If Paul yielded to persecution, what does he say would be the result? (11) How does he firmly address the Judaizers? (12)

  1. Read verses 13-15. What does Paul say about freedom? (13-15) What does he advise Christians to use their freedom, and what warning does he give to avoid misusing it?

  2. Read verses 16-18. How does Paul describe the relationship between the Spirit and the flesh? (16) How does living by the spirit differ from living under the law? (8)

  3. Read verses 19-21. What sinful behaviors does Paul list as the works of the flesh? (19-21) How do these behaviors contrast with the fruit of the Spirit mentioned later in the passage?

  4. Read verses 22-23. What is the “fruit of the Spirit,” and how does it reflect the transformation the Holy Spirit brings?

  5. Read verses 24-26. According to Paul, what has happened to the desires of those who belong to Christ? (24) How does Paul instruct believers to interact with one another in the context of living by the Spirit? (25-26)

Close it:

  1. What is the overall message about Christian living, freedom, and the role of the Holy Spirit? How can we apply these teachings in our lives today?

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