Mar 10, 2024

Galatians 4:8-5:1


Galatians Lesson 4 (2024)


(Galatians 4:8-5:1)

Open it:

  1. Have you ever felt the pull of an addictive behavior, something you couldn’t easily break free from?

Explore it:

  1. Read verses 8-11. In what way did the Galatians, after becoming believers, revert to their previous pagan worship practices? Why do you think the Galatians found it easy to fall back into the pattern of their pagan worship? How did Paul express his concern in response to their actions? (11)

  2. Read verses 12-16. How did the Galatians and Paul interact, and what specific role did Paul play in guiding their spiritual journey? (12-14) What factors contributed to their positive view of him, and what led to their subsequent turning away? (15-16)

  3. Read verses 17-20. What motivated the false teachers to turn the Galatians against Paul? (17-18) What sentiment did Paul convey, and what determination did he exhibit regarding their spiritual well-being? (19-20)

  4. Read verses 21-27. What did Paul urge the Galatians to consider in verses 21-27? What was the difference in status between Abraham’s two sons? (22-23) How did Hagar represent the covenant at Mt. Sinai? (24) In what way did Hagar typify the legalistic believers? (25) How is Sarah an illustration of the “Jerusalem that is above”? (26-27)

  5. Read verses 28-31. How were the Galatians compared to Isaac? In what ways were the Judaizers likened to Ishmael? Considering Paul’s illustration of Ishmael’s persecution and its relation to legalists’ opposition (28-30), how did Pual advise Galatians to handle these legalistic challenges? Additionally, how did Paul align himself with the Galatians and Sarah? (31)

  6. Read 5:1. What challenges did Paul present to the Galatians? Why did Paul encourage them to be resolute? Explore the motivation behind Paul’s call for steadfastness among the Christians.

Close it:

  1. Consider ways to embrace the freedom found in Christ while navigating your journey of faith.

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