Feb 25, 2024

Acts 3:1-26


Acts Lesson 4 (2024)


(Acts 3:1-26)

Open it:

  1. What do you remember when you were sick or hurt?

Explore it:

  1. Read verse 1. Where were Peter and John going? Think about their past lives. How had they been changed?

  2. Read verses 2-5. What was the situation of the beggar at the gate? Why did the disabled man spend every day at the gate called Beautiful? What did the beggar do when he saw Peter and John approaching? How did the two apostles first respond to the disabled man?

  3. Read verses 6-10. What did Peter say to the beggar? In what ways did the disabled man respond to Peter’s words? (5, 7-8) After he was healed, where did the beggar go? How did the people feel about what had happened to the disabled beggar?

  4. Read verses 11-16. How did Peter turn this into an opportunity to preach Jesus? How does Peter identify God? Jesus? Why? What is the contrast in the way they had treated Jesus and what God had done? What does it mean to have faith in the name of Jesus?

  5. Read verses 17-21. How did men show their ignorance? How did God fulfill what he had promised? What did Peter challenge them to do? What did he promise?

  6. Read verses 22-26. What did Moses Prophesy? (Dt. 18:15) What can we learn about Jesus from this? What other prophets support Jesus’ messiahship? What was God's covenant promise with Abraham, and how has Jesus fulfilled it? What is God’s best blessing?

Apply it:

  1. How can you be bold in encouraging others to come to Christ?

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