Feb 11, 2024

Galatians 3:15-4:7


Galatians Lesson 3 (2024)


(Galatians 3:15-4:7)

Open it:

  1. How might an orphan from an impoverished country feel if someone from a wealthy country wanted to adopt him, and what steps could they take to navigate this significant life change?

Explore it:

  1. Read verses 15-18. What does Paul’s comparison of the human covenant in verse 15 reveal about God’s promise to Abraham? Who fulfilled God’s promise to Abraham? When was the law introduced, and why did it not do away with God’s promise? (17) On what basis did God give his promised inheritance to Abraham? (18)

  2. Read verses 19-22. For what purpose did God add the law? Why did God have to give his law to his sinful through angels and a mediator? (Ex. 19:21-22) What did Paul say about the relationship between law and God’s promise? (21a) What is the law’s limitation?? (21b) What does “Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin” mean? (Ro. 3:10-20) Who alone receives what was promised? (22b)

  3. Read verses 23-25. What was our situation before faith in Christ was revealed to us? (23) What is the ultimate purpose of the law? (24) In Christ, what is our new relationship to the law? 25)

  4. Read verses 26-29. How had the Galatians become children of God? (26-27) In verse 28, Paul lists several ways in which people are categorized. How have these barriers broken down through Christ? (29)

  5. Read 4:1-3. In what sense was a child no different from an enslaved person in Paul’s time? (1-2) How were the Galatian Christians like slaves? (3) As a child of God, do you behave like a slave or more like an heir? In what sense does Paul describe the law as temporary or having a specific timeframe?

  6. Read verses 4-7. How did the coming of Jesus perfectly satisfy the requirement of the Law? (4-5) Whom did God send into the lives of the Galatian Christians? (6) How does faith in Christ bring a new and transformed relationship with God? (7)

Close it:

  1. What practical steps can you take to live out these principles and deepen your trust in God’s unchanging promises?

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