Feb 4, 2024

Galatians 2:11-3:14


Galatians Lesson 2 (2024)


(Galatians 2:11-3:14)

Open it:

  1. If your colleague were doing something wrong, how would you confront that person? How do you tend to take criticism?

Explore it:

  1. Read verses 11-14. What is the significance of Peter’s withdrawal from eating with the Gentiles? Why do you think Paul addressed Peter’s hypocrisy publicly rather than privately?

  2. Read verses 15-16. How does Paul argue for justification by faith rather than works of the law? (15-16) What is the significance of the statement in verse 16, “A person is just justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ.”

  3. Read verses 17-18. How does Paul respond to the accusation that believers are guilty because they have abandoned the law? (17) According to Paul, why would trying to rebuild the old law system make him a sinner? (18)

  4. Read verses 19-21. What does it mean for Paul to say he died to the law, and what does this signify about his relationship with the law? (19) What does Paul mean by being “crucified with Christ,” and how does it relate to the concept of justification? (20) How does Paul express that righteousness comes through faith in Christ? (21)

  5. Read 3:1-5. How does Paul connect the receiving of the Spirit with faith rather than the works of the law? Why does Paul emphasize hearing the gospel's message with faith in this context?

  6. Read verses 6-9. In what way does Paul use the example of Abraham to illustrate justification by faith? According to these verses, how does faith make someone a true child of Abraham?

  7. Read verses 10-14. What is the curse associated with relying on works of the law for justification, as explained by Paul? How does Christ’s redemption provide freedom from the curse of the law?

Close it:

  1. How does Paul’s emphasis on faith, freedom from legalism, and living for God challenge and inspire your approach to righteousness and our relationship with God?

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