Jan 28, 2024

Galatians 1:1-2:10


Galatians Lesson 1 (2024)


(Galatians 1:1-2:10)

Open it:

  1. When you want to emphasize an essential point to someone, how do you do it?

Explore it:

  1. Read verses 1-5. What key elements does Paul emphasize about his apostleship in these verses? To whom was the letter sent? According to Paul, what is the purpose of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice?

  2. Read verses 6-10. Why does Paul express amazement and astonishment in verse 6? How does Paul respond to the distortion of the gospel in Galatia?

  3. Read verses 11-17. In this section, how does Paul defend the authenticity of his gospel message? (11-12) What role does Paul’s conversion experience play in his ministry and message? (13-16a) What did Paul do after his conversion? (16a-17)

  4. Read verses 18-24. What did Paul want his readers to know about how limited his relationship was to the apostles? (18-20) How was Paul’s ministry not under the authority or oversight of the Jerusalem Church? (21-22) what was reported to the Judean churches about Paul? (23-24)

  5. Read 2:1-5. Why does Paul recount his second visit to Jerusalem (2:1) and the meeting with the apostles? (1-2) What did the Judaizers try to accomplish? (4) How was Titus a “test case” at the Jerusalem council? (3, 5)

  6. Read verses 6-10. How did the Jerusalem leaders respond to Paul’s message? (6) How did James, Peter, and John respond to Paul’s mission? (7-10) Do you think Paul’s defense of grace versus legalism always settled the issue in the church?

Conclude it:

  1. Considering Paul’s defense of the gospel and his apostolic authority, how does this impact your understanding of the core message of Christianity and the significance of unwavering faith in Christ?

New York UBF Bible Study Materials

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