Jan 14, 2024

Acts 1:1-26


Acts Lesson 1 (2024)


(Acts 1:1-26)

Open it:

  1. Where would you go if you could take a trip somewhere far away? Why?

Explore it:

  1. Read verses 1-5. What did Luke write about? After his resurrection, how did Jesus spend his time with the apostles? What specific commands did Jesus give the apostles? What gift did Jesus promise to the apostles?

  2. Read verses 6-8. What did the apostles misunderstand? How did Jesus answer the apostles’ question? What task did Jesus assign the apostles? Who would help the apostles get their job done?

  3. Read verses 9-11. How did the apostles react to Jesus’ departure? How did the man in white encourage the apostles? How will Jesus’ return be like his ascension?

  4. Read verses 12-14. Where did the ascension take place? (12) How did the apostles show that they were following Jesus’ orders? Who was present at the meeting of the eleven apostles, and what did they do when they got together? (14)

  5. Read verses 15-20. How did Peter take leadership of the early Christians after Jesus’ ascension? How did Peter show high regard for the Scriptures? What happened as a result of Judas’s betrayal?

  6. Read verses 21-26. What did Peter propose to do about the vacancy left by Judas? What did the apostles do to select the right candidate to replace Judas? Why is prayer necessary in our decision-making process?

Apply it:

  1. How can you invite the Holy Spirit to guide you throughout this week?

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