Dec 24, 2023

Luke 1:57-80


2023 Christmas - III


Luke 1:57-80

Open it:

  1. What are the most important things parents ought to tell their children while they are growing up?

Explore it:

  1. Read verses 57-61. At the time of John's birth, her relatives and neighbors shared her joy. What did everyone assume about the name of the baby? What did Elizabeth want to name the baby? Why?

  2. Read verses 62-66. What does Zechariah’s naming of his son show about his conviction of God’s will? As soon as his mouth was opened, what did Zechariah do? (64, 67) What was the response of the neighbors? (65,66)

  3. Read verses 67-68. For what did Zechariah praise God in verse 68? What does it mean that “he has come”? “Redeemed”?

  4. Read verses 69-71. To what does the “horn of salvation” refer? (69; Psalm 132:17, 148:14; Jer. 23:5; Ez. 29:21) Who is our archenemy? (Rev 17:3)

  5. Read verses 72-75. How has God's promise to Abraham become a great blessing to us? (Gen 22:16-18; Gal 3:16) What does the horn of salvation do for us? (74, 75) What does it mean to serve God “without fear in holiness and righteousness”?

  6. To whom are verses 76-79 addressed? What will be the unique mission of Zechariah’s son? What does Zechariah’s son tell us about the nature of the salvation God is giving us through Jesus? (76,77)

  7. Read verses 78-80. How does the rising sun dispel the darkness of the shadow of death from our hearts? (Jn. 8:12, 9:5) Think about the meaning of the phrase “the tender mercy of our God.”

Apply it:

  1. What idea from Zecharia’s song would you most like to communicate to others this Christmas?

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