Dec 17, 2023

Luke 1:26-38


2023 Christmas (II)


(Luke 1:26-38)

Open it:

  1. How do you react when you receive unexpected, good news?

Explore it:

  1. Read verses 26-28. To what does “in the sixth month” refer? What was Mary’s human situation? What was the angel’s greeting to Mary?

  2. Read verses 29-30. Why might Mary be greatly troubled by the angel’s greeting? What do “highly favored” and “you have found favor with God” mean to Mary? To you?

  3. Read verses 31-33. How did Gabriel describe the child that would be born to Mary? What title would Jesus have? Who, in the Old Testament, was part of Jesus’ royal line? What will the Messiah’s kingdom be like?

  4. Read verses 34-37. How did Mary’s response to the angel differ from Zechariah’s? What did the angel share with Mary? What does “For no word from God will ever fail” (With God, nothing is impossible) mean to Mary? To you?

  5. Read verse 38. What did Mary’s final statement to Gabriel show about her faith and relationship with God? How can you develop the kind of humble spirit that Mary had?

Apply it:

  1. What “impossibilities” in your life do you want to thank God? How can you maintain a servant’s attitude as you live daily?

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