Nov 12, 2023

Mark 16:1-20


Mark Lesson 52 (2023)


Mark 16:1-20

Open it:

  1. What is the most extraordinary event you have ever witnessed?

Explore it:

  1. Read verses 1-3. Why did the women go to Jesus’ tomb? What question was at the back of the women’s minds as they traveled to the grave?

  2. Read verses 4-5. What did the women see when they got to the tomb? Who was the “young man” in the grave? Why would you have thought and felt if you had entered Jesus’ empty tomb?

  3. Read verses 6-8. What did the angel tell the women to do? Why did the women flee from the tomb and not tell anyone what they had witnessed?

  4. Read verses 9-14. To whom did the resurrected Jesus appear first? Why do you think the risen Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene? How did Jesus’ disciples respond when someone told them he had risen from the dead? Why did Jesus rebuke the disciples when he first saw them?

  5. Read verses 15-20. What instructions did Jesus give to his followers? What happened to Jesus after he was taken up into heaven? What did the disciples do after Jesus had left earth to return to heaven?

Apply it:

  1. What can you do to obey Christ’s command to “preach the good news to all creation”?



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