Feb 26, 2023

Mark 9:2-13


Mark Lesson 28 (2023)


(Mark 9:2-13)

Open it:

  1. How do people react when they watch fireworks? Why?

Explore it:

  1. Read verses 2-4. Where did Jesus take Peter, James, and John? (2) What happened to Jesus on the mountain? (3) Who appeared with Jesus in the transfiguration? (4) Why do you think Jesus chose only three disciples to witness his transfiguration?

  2. Read verses 5-6. How did Peter respond to the transfiguration of Jesus? Why did Peter want to put up three shelters? Why were the disciples frightened when they saw Jesus? How would you have reacted if Jesus had chosen you to witness his transfiguration?

  3. Read verses 7-8. What else happened on the mountain? What did the voice say to the disciples about Jesus and what to do? What did the disciples see after the cloud vanished?

  4. Read verses 9-10. What orders did Jesus give the disciples? (9) How did Peter, James, and John respond to Jesus’ order? Why do you think Jesus chose only three disciples to witness his transfiguration?

  5. Read verses 11-13. Why did the disciples ask Jesus about Elijah? (11) About whom was Jesus speaking when he said, “Elijah has come”? (12-13)

Apply it:

  1. What can you do over the next week to become more sensitive to God’s voice (from his word or his Spirit)?



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