Nov 21, 2021

1 Thessalonians 5:11-24


2021 Thanksgiving


1 Thessalonians 5:11-24

Key Verse: 5:16-18

Open it:

  1. Can you share how you reacted when you faced challenging times in your life? Will you react better if you face similar challenges in the future?

Explore it:

  1. Read verses 12-15. Verse 11 states that we should encourage one another and build each other up. How can the peace among people in the church be damaged? What can you do to live in harmony with everyone in the church?

  2. Read verses 16-18. What attitude represent God’s will for us? What situations tend to test your patience? How can you remain joyful when things go badly? What does it mean to pray continually? Why should we give thanks in all circumstances? What value is there in giving thanks in all cases?

  3. Read verses 19-24. How should we show respect for the Holy Spirit’s presence in us and among us? (19-22) What does God want to happen inside us? (23) For what reason can we depend on God? (24) Think about how your faith in God is related to the wholesomeness of your life?

Apply it:

  1. Which of Paul’s instructions in this passage do you most need to remember this Thanksgiving?

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