Sep 5, 2021

2 Samuel 1:1-27


2 Samuel Lesson 1 (2021)


2 Samuel 1:1-27

Key Verse:

Open it:

  1. How would you feel if someone who hated you suddenly died?

Explore it:

  1. Review the death of Saul (1 Sa. 31:1-13). Read verses 1-10. Where had David been while Saul was engaged in his last battle, and when did he learn about Saul’s death? (1-2) What news did the messenger bring to David? (3-4)

  2. Read verses 5-10. How was the Amalekite’s story different from what had happened? Why did he change the story?

  3. Read verses 11-16. How did David and his men react to the messenger’s story? (11-12) How long did David wait before dealing with the messenger? (12-15) What did David hold against the Amalekite messenger? (14) What was David’s reason for executing the messenger? (16)

  4. Read verses 17-18. After the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, how did David respond personally and publicly? (17-18) What does the word “lament” mean? For what do people usually lament? (La. 2:19) Why did David teach this to his people?

  5. Read verses 19-27. How often is the word “mighty” repeated? What good things about Saul and Jonathan did David call? (22-24) How might remembering their qualities have helped the nation at this time of tragedy? What did David remember about Jonathan? (25-26; 1 Sa. 18:1-4; 20:16, 41-42; 23: 16-18)

Apply it:

  1. What sort of lament could you create that would help you preserve the memory of a loved one?

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